
фан-сайт группы

Статьи о группе
С выходом нового альбома, «Love Deluxe», королева романтики вносит ясность в вопросы поцелуев,...
Прямо во время песни, я поняла, что не смогу допеть и мне нужно уйти. Я крикнула: «Простите меня!...

В настоящее время группа не ведет концертную деятельность.

"Why Can't We Live Together"

Tell me why tell me why tell me why
Umm why can't we live together
Tell me why tell me
Umm why can't we live together 
Everybody wants to live together
Why can't we be together 
No more war no more war no more war
Umm just a little peace
No more war no more war all we want
Is some peace in this world 
Everybody wants to live together
Why can't we be together 
No matter no matter what color
Umm you are still my brother
I said no matter no matter what color
Umm you are still my brother 
Everybody wants to live together
Why can't we be together 
Everybody wants to live
Everybodys got to be together
Ooh everybody wants to live
Everybodys got to be together 
Ooh Ooh laaa laa laa laa
Everybodys got to be together
Everybody wants to be together 
I said no matter no matter what color
Umm you are still my brother
I said no matter no matter what color
You are still my brother 
Everybody wants to live together
Why can't we be together 
Goitta live together
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