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С выходом нового альбома, «Love Deluxe», королева романтики вносит ясность в вопросы поцелуев,...
Прямо во время песни, я поняла, что не смогу допеть и мне нужно уйти. Я крикнула: «Простите меня!...

В настоящее время группа не ведет концертную деятельность.

"Frankies First Affair"

Frankie, didn't I tell you
You've got the world
In the palm of your hand
Frankie, didn't I tell you they're running
At your command 
You know the tricks
As if they're your invention
It wasn't your intemntion
Frankie to fall in the trap you made 
Oohh it's a crying shame, Mmm
You left a trail of destruction
Heart breaker you know now
They really did care cause it's your first affar 
Frankie, didn't I tell you that the lion
Would come in for the kill
Frankie, didn't I say he had power
Over your sweet skill 
So where is the laughter
You spat right in their faces
Didn't I tell you frankie
That you might run out of races 
Oohh it's a crying shame, Mmm
You couldn't win the game
Heart breaker this time (this time)
It's your first affar 
Frankie, frankies first affair (it's your turn to cry)
Frankie, frankies first affair
It's your turn to cry 
It's a crying shame
You know now they really did care
Cause it's your first affair 
Frankie, frankies first affair
Frankie, frankies first affair 
wha da an dee da do, wha da an dee da do
(It's your turn to cry it's your turn to cry) wha da an dee da do, 
wha da an dee da do
(It's your turn to cry it's your turn to cry) 
Don't you realise they really really really did care
The parties over
Now you discover
It's your turn to cry 
And don't you realise
Ooh, it's the toughest thing, yes it is, yes it is
The party's over, it's your turn to cry 
wha da an dee da do, wha da an dee da do
wha da an dee da do, wha da an dee da do
it's your first affair
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